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Apr 28, 2024 - Apr 29, 2024

When to go to Bangkok: climate, best time and month-by-month tips

bangkok citt vecchia When you think of a trip to Thailand, whether it is one focused on the sea and relaxation or on visiting its magnificent temples, you certainly cannot overlook its capital: Bangkok!
Youwill find yourself in front of the city of contrasts par excellence: on the one hand the old city, on the other the super modern Bangkok with large skyscrapers; the delicious and super cheap typical Thai street food and the commercial fast food chains that you would find anywhere else in the world; temples and palaces that will take you back in time and a very lively nightlife.

But before you leave, it is important to choose the right time of year to avoid having your days ruined by endless rain! Here's when to go to Bangkok: climate, best time of year and month-by-month tips!
SEE ALSO: What to see in Bangkok

Climate, Average Temperatures and Rainfall


Average temperature

Rainfall days


21 / 32°

1 day / 10 mm


23 / 33°

2 days / 30 mm


25 / 34°

2 days / 30 mm


26 / 35°

4 days / 65 mm


26 / 34°

13 days / 220 mm


25 / 33°

12 days / 150 mm


25 / 33°

13 days / 155 mm


25 / 33°

15 days / 195 mm


25 / 32°

18 days / 345 mm


24 / 32°

14 days / 240 mm


23 / 32°

5 days / 50 mm


21 / 31°

1 day / 10 mm

  • Best period: November to February. Temperatures are good and rainfall quite rare.

  • Period to avoid: from April to October, due to very frequent rainfall and very high temperatures worsened by high humidity.

The climate is tropical, with high temperatures and heat all year round, mainly characterised by two seasons: a dry season and a rainy season.
The rainy season runs from mid-May to October. Temperatures rise and rainfall is very heavy due to the passage of the monsoon. September is the rainiest month, with about 18 rainy days and 345 mm. Immediately following are August and October, with 15 and 14 rainy days respectively.

In November, on the other hand, the dry season begins, with temperatures still high, with lows around 22° and highs around 32°. This period, mainly between mid-November and the beginning of February, is the best time to travel to Thailand. Temperatures are still high but not excessive, there are few rainy days (in December and January, on average only one day) and beautiful sunny days.

Thehottest months of the year are April and May, with highs of 35°, but with peaks of up to 37/38°, and at night the temperature rarely drops below 28°.

When it is best to go to Bangkok: the cheapest time of year

grand palace bangkok Thailand is a cheap destination, especially when it comes to accommodation and food. Here you can enjoy a good full meal for no more than €5.00. What affects the budget the most is, of course, the cost of the plane ticket, but if taken in advance even here you could save a lot.

The absolute cheapest period is the low season from April to October. But during this period the weather is not the best, so our advice is to choose months such as January, February or March. The important thing is to avoid December, which is the peak tourist season. If you want an extremely low-cost holiday, you can consider April, and in general the first part of the rainy season (until June/July), when sunny days can still occur.

Bangkok in Spring

songkran festival April and May are the hottest months of the year! Temperatures hover around highs of 35°, but peaks can easily reach 37/38°. At night, however, the temperature rarely drops below 28°, making it difficult to even sleep.

However, one of the biggest and most beautiful events in Thailand is held during this period: the Songkran Festival or Thai New Year, called by different names: Buddhist New Year, Water Festival and Purification Festival. It is generally celebrated from 13 to 15 April, but may last even longer.
As you may have guessed from the name, this festival is dedicated to purification and Thais on the first day cleanse their entire house to purify it. Afterwards, the Buddha statues are purified and the demonstrations continue in the streets. Bangkok is one of the best places to experience this festival.

Bangkok in Summer

Our summer season, June to September, is climatically the worst time to visit Bangkok, as it corresponds to the rainy season, with August averaging 15 days of rain, July 13 and finally June 12. However, temperatures are high and the heat can be made even more unbearable by the humidity.

Despite this, it is still a period full of events. Among the most important ones is Khao Phansa, the country's national festival held on 17 July.
It is one of the most fascinating and heartfelt Buddhist festivals and kicks off Vassa, the Buddhist Lent period. From this day, monks retreat to monasteries for three months just to study, meditate and pray. The faithful donate spectacular candles to the monasteries to allow the monks to study and pray even at night and many of them also observe a period of fasting and abstinence from alcohol and tobacco.

Bangkok in Autumn

Autumn, with the months of September and October, is also not one of the best times to visit Bangkok. September is the rainiest month of the year, and October ranks second with as many as 15 days of rain.

One of the most famous festivals is held during these two months. It is a Chinese festival: the Vegetarian Festival, which lasts nine days and is held in September or October, depending on the lunar calendar. This festival stems from a legend: an entire Chinese theatre group travelling to Phuket fell ill with malaria, so they all adopted a strict vegetarian diet and miraculously recovered after a few days. Since that time, for nine days the faithful have eaten only vegetarian dishes, no meat, in order to purify themselves.

Bangkok in Winter

festival delle luci This corresponds to the months from November to March and is the best time to visit the city. It is the dry season. Temperatures range between lows of 22° and highs of 32°. In addition, there are almost no rainy days, only one day in December and January.

At this time, more precisely in mid-November, during the first full moon night of the month, the Loi Kratong Festival, also known as the Festival of Lights, is held.
During this night, people gather around the banks of rivers and streams and let go hundreds of thousands of floats with incense, candles, flowers and coins to pay homage to the Goddess of Waters. While towards sunset, when the sun has fully set, many illuminated lanterns are released into the sky.

How to dress: what to pack

  • In winter: the dry season (November to April), pack light clothes for the day, a light sweatshirt for the evening and a light jacket or jumper for colder days and evenings; bring a scarf to cover your shoulders when visiting the temples

  • In summer: the rainy season (May to October), pack very light clothes to combat the high temperatures, preferably natural fibre, a light mackintosh and umbrella for rainy days; bring a scarf to cover your shoulders when visiting the temples

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